All Posts by

Jessica Wyland

The Psychology of Nostalgia

Picture this: You’re driving to work when an old favorite song suddenly plays on the radio. Immediately, you’re transported back to a moment in time: making dinner with your mom, belting out the lyrics while wielding a soup ladle as a microphone. As you return to the present, warm and…

AI in Elder Care: Navigating Ageism in Technology 

Artificial intelligence has rapidly transformed many industries, including healthcare. Medical professionals now use AI to analyze X-rays, monitor patient data and tailor treatments based on a person’s medical history and genetics.  AI is also making waves in elder care. Its technology helps provide caregiving assistance and serves as a virtual…

Building Healthy Habits for a Longer Life 

Around January 1st each year, social media feeds and journals are filled with bold promises of personal improvement. You plan to exercise six days a week, throw out every piece of chocolate in your house and completely overhaul your pantry. The ambition is palpable, but in reality, about…

What Is Geriatric Neurology? 

Nearly one in five people in the United States is 65 or older, and with ongoing medical advancements, that number is expected to rise in the coming years. Living longer has its perks: more time to make memories, share wisdom with loved ones and enjoy life’s…

The Secrets Behind Blue Zones: Why People Are Living Longer 

From intermittent fasting to finding a social circle, there are numerous lifestyle changes purported to increase the human lifespan.  But which of these factors actually contribute to increased longevity, and which are simply passing trends? By studying the Blue Zones—regions around the world known for their high concentration of individuals…

The Latest Advancements in Alzheimer’s Research and Treatments 

Alzheimer’s is a devastating disease that affects more than just a person’s memory. It impacts their judgment, mood and their ability to perform everyday tasks like getting dressed or even using the bathroom on their own.  It’s not only those diagnosed who feel the effects of this debilitating disease, as…

Cybernetics: Technology That Extends Human Longevity 

The term “cybernetics” evokes images of the human-robot hybrids featured in science fiction novels and superhero sagas. Characters like Iron Man and the Six Million Dollar Man were fully biological humans before suffering near-fatal injuries. The introduction of advanced technology into their bodies saved their lives and enabled them to…

Opportunities for Connection: 5 Benefits of Intergenerational Relationships 

When you think of current public health concerns, what comes to mind? Mental health disorders, vulnerabilities in our healthcare systems and environmental pollution might be at the top of the list. One that many don’t think of? Loneliness.  According to U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, approximately…

How Our Careers Help Us Stave Off Cognitive Decline 

The current retirement age for Americans receiving full Social Security benefits is 67, though partial benefits are available at age 62. Discussions about raising the retirement age to 69 or higher have been ongoing, ostensibly with an eye toward keeping Social Security solvent. While financial concerns drive these debates, staying…