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Opportunities for Connection: 5 Benefits of Intergenerational Relationships 

When you think of current public health concerns, what comes to mind? Mental health disorders, vulnerabilities in our healthcare systems and environmental pollution might be at the top of the list. One that many don’t think of? Loneliness.  According to U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, approximately…

How Our Careers Help Us Stave Off Cognitive Decline 

The current retirement age for Americans receiving full Social Security benefits is 67, though partial benefits are available at age 62. Discussions about raising the retirement age to 69 or higher have been ongoing, ostensibly with an eye toward keeping Social Security solvent. While financial concerns drive these debates, staying…

Preparing for the Longevity Revolution 

In 1950, the average global life expectancy was 45 years. Today, many people at that age are in the prime of their lives, with decades remaining to make lasting memories with family and friends. In fact, the current global life expectancy is…

People and Organizations That Advocate for Older Adults 

Older adults face challenges that are even more daunting due to their advanced age, from illness and loneliness to prejudice and poverty. Here we’ll look at some people and organizations that are making a positive difference in the lives of older individuals. As a person who might be interested in…

Gerontological Design: How We Can Shape Environments for Optimal Aging 

Empowering older adults to maintain their independence, dignity and quality of life as they age can be challenging. Gerontological design is a subfield of gerontology focused on creating environments, products and services that cater to the needs and preferences of older adults. Sometimes referred to as “design for aging” or…

How Helping Older Adults Benefits All of Us 

Sometimes, offering assistance to others proves easier said than done. This challenge can become particularly pronounced when it comes to aiding older adults. Whether it’s due to an ‘out of sight, out of mind’ mentality or the postponement of a promised phone call to check on a grandparent, these intentions…

The Biology of Aging: Understanding the Cellular Mechanisms of Senescence 

During infancy and throughout adolescence, most of us enjoy relatively good health, from our blemish-free skin to our well-functioning internal organs. In this period of our lives, cell regeneration occurs effortlessly. When cells become aged or damaged, our bodies naturally initiate the process of cell division and replication to ensure…

3 “Geriatric” Conditions That Can Afflict Anyone 

As members of your family age, you’re likely witnessing firsthand some of the conditions that have affected their daily lives. From the aches and pains associated with arthritis to dementia, a disease that slowly steals memories and abilities to complete everyday tasks, numerous challenges come with getting older.  While we…

Chronic Inflammation and Its Impact on Aging 

While we might wish for our bodies to maintain optimal function throughout our lives, the reality is that as we age, our cells experience a decline in efficiency, often manifesting as minor aches and pains. Some individuals undergo more pronounced changes, such as the onset of heart disease, kidney issues,…